I started consulting with one goal in mind:
to help Montessori schools and educators create educational environments
that develop lifelong learners.

My rich background in Montessori enables me to empathize with all stakeholders. Together, we can create the energy needed to find new solutions, implement optimized systems, and develop inclusive learning communities.


Over 25 years, I've served Montessori schools in many roles - from starting programs to stepping into leadership gaps. This range of experience developed my empathy and drive to support educators. I understand both the calling and the distress in the profession firsthand. My approach is facilitating solutions by connecting people, exploring ideas without ego, and uplifting each voice. 

I envision sustainable change fueled by empowering our teachers, families, and students alike. My call is nurturing innovation, collective impact, and systems that help both thrive - not just work harder in isolation.

I'm impatient to collaborate with the goal of impact, not credit. Let's rethink Montessori to transform outcomes by driving progress that serves the real needs of schools. I want to ignite possibility and fuel the team effort toward this transformation.

What’s new?

I recently presented at the MF/IMC 28th Annual Conference in Atlanta! Check it out: here!

Et pour mes amis français: J’ai parlé au micro d’AIRAM Montessori (avec un accent américain qui ne passe pas inaperçu!) Saison 3, Episode 8: Quel.le jeune citoyen.ne est-on après une scolarité Montessori? (*)

C’est ici, si vous voulez écouter (10 min 55 sec).

*petite note: dans mon intro, je dis 0-6 au lieu de 0-3 ans, oups ;-)


Licenses and Certifications

Associate Certified Coach

International Coaching Federation

Montessori Coach

Certified Corporate Coach

Corporate Sponsored Coach Training

What I Know…

Toddlers taught me to wait, listen, give respectful space, and provide steady safeguards.

Elementary aged students reminded me of the power of imagination, togetherness, pure ideals and joyous laughter.

Adolescents proved to me that actions will always matter more than words, that despair and fierce hope can live ever so closely together, and that life will often go from most sedate to wildly goofy, and it’s all okay.

Working with colleagues reasserted that our inner child is always just within reach, that our hearts guide our choices and rewarding work is hard.

Being a parent gave me the greatest gift of all: unconditional love and humorous humility.

Belonging to the Montessori community of practice has been transformational, inspiring, and centering.